• September 28, 2020 1:03 pm

Teacher required at Catco Kids

Required QualificationIntermediate

Corporate daycare centers are child care centers set up
by large companies for the children of their employees.
These centers can accommodate from 30-300 children and
are usually located within the company's office buildings.
Corporate centers are convenient, and affordable as they
are usually subsidized by the company

Basic computer skills (word, internet browsing)
Good pronunciation of English language
Child handling (positive interaction)
Creative skills (story telling skills, creative use of materials, Art work)
Communication skills (written-can write daily reports)
Training skills Energetic & open to ongoing learning

2 years minimum experience of teaching children in a Montessori, early childhood learning facility, or school Teacher required at Catco Kids Name: Azra Email: jobs@catcointernational.com Phone: 02135361218 Url: Address: Karachi, Sindh


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